Meet The Trainer: Basma Kilani

basma kilani

Basma Kilani, M.A., is a DBT-LBC Certified Clinician by the Linehan Institute from Amman, Jordan. She is Founder & Chief Specialist at the Maria Den Braven Mental Health Center.

Basma has a M.A. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Jordan and is currently completing her Ph.D in Clinical Psychology in the University of Bangor, Wales.

Basma is also the Managing Director of DBT-MENA, the BTECH affiliate in that region. Basma began studying DBT in 2008 as a graduate student at the University of Jordan. In 2016-17, Basma’s team completed DBT Intensive Training through British Isles DBT. In 2019, Basma was appointed DBT Ambassador in Jordan by Behavioral Tech/ Linehan Institute, Basma became a BTECH Trainer in 2023 with André Ivanoff serves as her training mentor. Basma became the BTECH Affiliate for DBT MENA in 2021.

Why did you choose to become a trainer?
I chose to embark on the journey of becoming a trainer as I felt like I gained in-depth information, insight and knowledge through my supervision with Michaela Swales. I felt it was my role to share and disseminate my knowledge in this therapy and benefit as many people as possible around the globe.

DBT is a therapy that I fell in love with, and I felt like the Middle East and North Africa are in dire need of such treatment which motivated me to become the first DBT Certified Clinician in my region, and the second Behavioral Tech Trainer.

What do you enjoy most about training with biDBT?
Training with British Isles DBT has been a fruitful journey. I have enjoyed it for multiple reasons; including the quality and diversity of training recourses used, the organization of the company in all stages of delivery of the training (communication, delivery, advertisements), and the passion that each trainer carries.

I especially enjoy the family atmosphere at biDBT, despite it being a big training company, the team is very close which facilitates learning and growth.

What advice would you give to new DBT therapists?
DBT is not an easy therapy, and it is very important to seek supervision in order to ensure fidelity and remain mindful of adherence to the program as much as possible.