Dr. Mark Richards is currently employed in tier 3 CAMHS in the North West in two roles:
- As clinical lead for a Primary Mental Health team, whose remit is to provide timely advice concerning mental health to children, parents and other professionals within the children’s workforce and to develop the Whole School Approach to mental health through a wide programme of training, school meetings and consultation.
- Within the core CAMHS team as DBT lead and therapist and as an EMDR therapist.
Mark offers clinical supervision within CAMHS.
Mark is the lead for an adherent DBT CAMHS programme which has been running for 11 years, delivering DBT to adolescents and their carers. Mark has been a key member of the trust’s DBT network, offering skills update training and co-ordinating consultation days with Professor Michaela Swales.
Mark trained in DBT in 2009 and attended the DBT Skills Update conference in 2014 with Prof. Marsha Linehan and Dr Michaela Swales. Mark has also completed the DBT leaders training in 2018 and is an SfDBT accredited practitioner.
Mark gained his doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Liverpool in 2006 and has worked within the NHS since then.